Voyages du geste # 3 – 2005 – Palerme
14 young artists / 4 trainers
Duration : 5 weeks – july / august 2005
The Conference of the Birds. The artistic aim of this project is to put young European and Arabian actors together to operate a fusion among different artistic and spoken
languages (above all arabic and sicilian). The work will focus on the study of the methaphor of the flying of the birds in order to create a choral narration that tells about the eternal trip of man towards its soul. The starting point of this trip has been offered to us by the text
of the mystic Persian poet itself, who wrote the word of birds in 1200. This text fashinated Peter Brook and the playwright Jean-Claude Carrière too, who, in the Seventies, made a show called : La conférence des oiseaux.
The dramatic container offered by the word of birds and by the conference of birds give us the possibility to enrich the contents of the show, putting into the action scheme what young artists and ourselves want to comunicate, either a way to talk about social facts or a poetic will to tell (cantare-cuntare) the beauty of life in different languages simultaneausly.
This project was supported by : Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, French Cultural Center of Beyrouth, Festival of Palermo – Kals’Art Festival, FIDEO Institut, Roberto Cimetta found, Town of Petralia Sottana (Sicile), Khayal association (Beyrouth), Towns of Tripoli and Baisour (Lebanon).